New generation astrological software

Everything you wanted to have in an astrological program! Convenient and informative tool for astrology lovers and professional astrologers

Birth / residence chart analysis | Talents and professional inclinations | Medical astrology | Karmic chart | Synastry | Astropsychology | Relocation | Rectification | Prognosis…

Birth chart analysis


Answering questions and solving problems using outstanding astrological techniques.

General horoscope analysis

Personal qualities; dangers; home, everyday life, family; mental abilities; relations; finance etc

Horoscope analisys
Medical astrology

Unique astrological health screening

a chart of more than 150 diseases shows which diseases will be the main and problematic in the life of a given person.

Talents and Abilities analysis

the artistic, mental and other talents and predispositions to certain occupations and professions

Talents in horoskope
Karmic horoskope

Karmic horoscope analysis

The circumstances of past lives, the karmic task and the sphere of realization of karma in this incarnation, the karmic debts…

Individual psychological profile

Gives an accurate and detailed individual psychological profile.

Astrological psychology
Sinastry astrological compatibility

Powerful and informative synastry analysis

the astrological compatibility of partners in personal and public life.

Find place of residence tool

Reliable tool to correct your fate

Correction of fate by relocation
Prognostic astrology

Rectification and prognostics tools

help professional astrologers to rectificate birth time to seconds and make reliable prognosis

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